Your Twenties are Confusing, Be Very Confused.

Welcome to the world of your twenties, a time when confusion seems to be the only constant. There's no one-size-fits-all guide for this phase of life. The pressure to have everything sorted out by 30 is creeping in, and the social media highlight reel of seemingly accomplished peers only adds to the perplexity.

Somehow social media has made it seem like you’re supposed to NOT be confused and have it all figured out and that’s just asinine. 

It’s important that we explore the struggles of your twenties, where uncertainty is the norm, and the idea of a universal approach is nothing but a myth.

 As a therapist specializing in working with young adults, it's a recurring theme: the confusing nature of your twenties. But the real question we need to unpack is why is this time so confusing, when it's often dubbed the best years of our lives? In your twenties, you're expected to discover your passions, find love, and transition from adolescence to adulthood. It all sounds terrific until you’re in your 20’s and realize it doesn't come with an instant "how-to" guide.

Everyone follows their own unique timeline, creating a diverse tapestry of experiences. Some friends are starting graduate programs, while others have flourishing careers. Some are living with parents, while some are homeowners. The dating scene varies from casual to committed, and then there are those who are already married and starting family planning.

So what do you do? 

4 Ways find clarity rather than confusion

Embrace the Journey:

In the midst of the chaos, remember that your twenties are a journey, not a destination. Embrace the uncertainty, learn from your experiences, and understand that it's okay not to have it all figured out.

Comparison Is the Thief of Joy:

The age-old saying holds true, especially in the era of social media. Resist the urge to constantly compare your journey to others. Your path is unique, and success comes in various forms. Focus on your personal growth instead.

There's no single "right" path to follow. Each person's life circumstances impact the choices they make. Criticizing or praising friends for their pace of growth only fosters a sense of superiority or inferiority among peers.

Prioritize Self-Discovery:

Your twenties are a prime time for self-discovery. Take the opportunity to explore your interests, passions, and values. Knowing yourself better will guide you in making decisions aligned with your authentic self.

If you find yourself yearning for someone else's accomplishments (a certain job, relationship or lifestyle), get curious. Learn from their journey, and envision what it would take for you to achieve the same.

Set Realistic Goals:

While dreaming big is encouraged, setting realistic, achievable goals is crucial. Break down larger aspirations into manageable steps, and celebrate the small victories along the way!

Differences in life stages don't have to tarnish relationships or your own self-esteem. Use these tips as a compass, but ultimately, trust yourself and your unique journey.
Take it one day at a time, work steadily toward your goals, and remember that your twenties are a blank canvas for you to paint as you wish. Make every moment count - you've got only ten of these precious years and remember, you are exactly where you’re supposed to be! 

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